The University of New England College of 整骨疗法的医学 gives out two annual awards for Humanism in Aging — the “老龄化人文行动奖” and the Humanism in Aging Leadership Award.

Humanism in Aging Leadership Award

The Humanism in Aging Leadership Award was implemented in 2007 and continued until 2020. This award recognized a prominent geriatrician who exemplified humanism and innovation in their approach to improving the lives of older adults.

2019 - 2020年冠军

Dr. Louise Aronson, Professor of Geriatrics University of California San Francisco

路易斯·阿伦森M.D., M.F.A. is a professor of Geriatrics at UCSF where her interests include optimizing healthcare for older adults, 医学教育, 反思性学习, 综合老年病学, 公共医学写作. 布朗大学的毕业生, 哈佛医学院, and the Warren Wilson Program for Writers, Dr. Aronson has served as director of the Northern California Geriatrics Education Center, UCSF's Pathways to Discovery (scholarly concentration) program, 以及UCSF医学人文学科.

She has received the Gold Professorship in Humanism in Medicine, the California 首页care Physician of the Year award, 爱德华。D. 哈里斯专业奖, and the American Geriatrics Society Clinician-Teacher of the Year award, as well as numerous awards for her teaching, 教育研究, 和写作. 她的文章, 论文, and stories appear regularly in newspapers, 文学, and medical journals including the New York Times, 华盛顿邮报》, 新英格兰医学杂志, 卫生事务, 和《正规澳门赌场网络》. She is the author of the book “Elderhood”.

作为一名教育者, she has developed innovative programs for geriatrics training for non-geriatricians, interprofessional教育, 医学教育反思, and the use of writing to harness the expertise and unique experiences of clinicians and medical scientists in service of health and health care.


The Art of the Longevity Dividend - Desmond O’Neill, M.D., 2012-2013年获奖

Myths and Realities of an Aging Society - John Rowe, M.D., 2013-2014年度获奖者

Delirium in Older Persons: Clinical Pearls and Pitfalls - Sharon Inouye, M.D., 2015-2016年度获奖者

The Myth of Alzheimer’s: What You Aren’t Being Told 正规澳门赌场网络 Today’s Most Dreaded Diagnosis - Peter Whitehouse, M.D., Ph.D., 2014-2015年度获奖者

玛丽·伯纳德,M.D. Deputy Director, National Institute of Aging

Building a society for longer lives: Investing in well-being along the continuum from robust to frail


The “老龄化人文行动奖” was presented to the UNE COM student and/or resident who submitted an action plan in an adjudicated venue that addressed the question: "How will you apply what you learned from the Humanism in Aging Leadership Award Winner’s lecture in your future practice?”

Past UNE COM student award winners
  • 2017-18: First Place: Emily Schaffer, 我的女士: Second Place: William Ciurylo, MS II; Third Place: Drew Oyama, MS I; and Aretha Kou, 二级理科硕士(荣誉奖)2016-17: 1st Place: Patrick Kurpaska, 女士二世:第二名:Emily Szuba, MS I; 3rd Place: Tiffany Cheung, MS II; and Annie Liu, 二级理科硕士(荣誉奖)
  • 2015-16: First Place: Phil Barber, 女士二世; Second Place: Tiffany Cheung, MS I; Third Place: Lea Clay, MS I; and Brian Zylinksi, 二级理科硕士(荣誉奖)
  • 2014-15: First Place: Rachel Sluder, MSI; Second Place: David Drozda, MSII; Third Place: Shana Eaglefeathers, MSII
  • 2013-14: First Place: Holly Laird, 女士二世; Second Place: Gurmat Gill 女士二世; Third Place: Shana Eaglefeathers, 我的女士 
  • 2012-13: First Place: Cole Southworth, 女士二世; Second Place: Diana Stern, 我的女士; Third Place: Rob Zondervan, 女士二世
  • 2011-12: First Place: Hannah Reiman, 女士二世; Second Place: Heather Hassett, 我的女士; Third Place: Cole Southworth, 我的女士
  • 2010-11: First Place: Suvi Neukam, 我的女士; Second Place: Jaqueline O'Toole, 女士二世; Third Place: Dana Maglaris, 我的女士
  • 2009-10: First Place: David Ladley, 女士二世; Second Place: Susannah Schultz, 我的女士; Third Place: Amber Hayden, 我的女士; and Robert Doody, 二级理科硕士(荣誉奖)
  • 2008-09: First Place tie: Sunny Raleigh, D.O. (Resident) and Corrie Anderson, 我的女士; Third Place: Katherine S. 海耶斯,硕士