
对一些人来说, 正义, 包容, 同情, and fairness are more than just words — they constitute a way of being — a summons to be of service in a world that urgently needs our help.

At the UNE 社会工作学院, we are committed to answering that summons.

我们的关系, experiential learning philosophy is focused on transforming values into action. We’ll give you the experience and the knowledge you need in order to have a tangible, positive effect on the world you live in. You’ll go out into the world with the tools to empower and comfort individuals, find solutions to systemic problems, 建立坚强, 关心社区.


The University of New England 社会工作学院 envisions a world where social workers are at the forefront of advocating with individuals and communities for human dignity and social 包容 by mobilizing efforts to end inequities, 剥削和暴力. 


The mission of the 社会工作学院 is to provide transformative and collaborative learning that embraces the values of social 包容 and promotes enhanced quality of life for individuals and communities.

M.S.W. alumna Charlotte: “My job is to meet you where you are, regardless of where you are.”

Our values promote social 包容* conceptualized as actions taken to improve quality of life, access to equitable resources, enhancement of human bonds within the context of cultural diversity and engagement of people, populations and communities to fully participate in society. 为此目的:

  • We promote culturally informed practice that is respectful of the complexity and diversity of people’s lives and circumstances.
  • We recognize that social exclusion prevents people from full and just participation in their communities as a consequence of inequities, discrimination and disadvantage arising from adversity in early life and continuing across the life course.
  • We practice social responsibility by raising public awareness of social exclusion, challenging discrimination and acting with and on behalf of groups, populations and communities.
  • We support person-centered collaborative practices and partnerships that bring together diverse workers and community members to meet the best interests of individuals, 家庭及团体.

*“The process of improving the ability, opportunity and dignity of people, disadvantaged on the basis of their identity, 参加社会活动.” (2013, World Bank Publication)

References and Further Reading

  1. Inclusion Matters: The Foundation for Shared Prosperity, World Bank, 2013
  2. The Promotion of Social Inclusion, The Charity Commission, England and Wales, 2001
  3. Dimensions of Social Inclusion and Exclusion In Yukon 2010, Yukon Bureau of Statistics, 2010