The overall employment of social workers is projected to increase 15% over the next ten years, a much faster rate than the average for all other occupations. 

There is no such thing as a “typical” social worker

Social work is a vital aspect of virtually all major societal institutions, and by pursuing your M.S.W. through our Integrated Clinical Practice Specialization, you will be fully prepared for whatever social work path you choose. Social workers have important roles to play in schools, 医院, 私立医疗机构, 监狱, 社区中心, 康复诊所. 在政策层面, social workers are employed by the state and federal agencies dedicated to improving the lives of at-risk individuals, 人口, 和社区. Wherever your yearning takes you, will find a waiting niche for your social work skills.


作为一个UNE M.S.W. 研究生, you will have gained all of the knowledge and skills required by the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE), and you will be well equipped to apply for a license and sit for the professional licensing exam. We’re proud to say that the licensure pass rate of our MSW 研究生s in 2016 was 81% — consistent with the national average.


当你完成 社会工作硕士 with us, you’ll be fully prepared to enter the workforce. Our 研究生s tend to be in high demand with local employers due to our strong regional reputation and our unparalleled network of field placement partnerships — in fact, many of our students are hired at their placement sites directly following their internships.

M.S.W. Student Deqa: “Look at me, I’m doing this. 你可以做到的.”


收到许可证后, 你将进入一个具有挑战性的, rewarding profession that positions you to improve the lives of children, 成年人, 老年人, and communities in ways that are clear and easy to see. There’s nothing subtle or mysterious about it — as a social worker, 你的行动会有直接的影响, positive effect on the lives of people who need help.

"The social safety net has huge holes in it, and it's real people that fall through those holes. M的关系.S.W. students develop with our clients are meaningful and literally life-changing." -Mary Beth Sullivan, UNE field instructor and Preble Street social worker

Prepared to advocate for the vulnerable

A career in social work empowers you to advocate for some of the most vulnerable people in our society. Through working in 支持 of individuals and challenging existing systems, you help shape society to better reflect the values of social justice.

作为我们项目的毕业生, you are qualified to work in such areas of social work as public health, 心理健康, 药物滥用, 儿童福利. Your work takes you into unserved and underserved communities, 你在哪里提倡, 支持, and ultimately empower people who otherwise might slip through the holes of society’s supposed social safety net.

无论你在哪里工作, you will have the satisfaction of knowing that rather than simply observing and lamenting society’s many examples of social inequity, you dedicated your life to doing something to combat them. 


MSW alumna Tookie: “The flexibility that UNE provides sets you up for success.”

MSW alumna Charlotte: “My job is to meet you where you are, regardless of where you are.”

MSW alumnus Mutima: “Social work opened my eyes in how to serve people.”