
UNE offers basic life insurance coverage and supplemental life insurance coverage through The Standard. Carefully review your eligibility and plan specifics and The Standard: Life and 残障保险 Presentation (PDF) to determine the coverage that is right for you.



  • Full-Time 员工: UNE pays for full-time employees to have one time their annual salary in basic life insurance. This coverage has a $20,000 minimum benefit and a $300,000 maximum benefit.
  • Half-Time 员工: You may purchase 1, 2, 3, or 4 times your annual salary in basic life insurance. This coverage has a $500,000 maximum benefit.


  • 全职员工:你可以选择1, 2, 3, or 4 times your annual salary in additional life insurance. This Coverage has a $500,000 maximum benefit.
  • UNE也提供$2.50 monthly credit to use to purchase additional life insurance, 支付其他福利, 或者取现金.


  • In the event that a life insurance claim is necessary, the forms included in the 人寿保险索偿资料(PDF) as well as the additional information noted in packet will need to be completed.


If You Purchase More Than $350,000 of Coverage

  • 如果你选择的保险金额超过350美元,000 or choose to increase your elected amount (such as going from 1x to 2x coverage), 您需要填写一份 保险证明(EOI)表格, which you may obtain through HR or The Standard. For this purpose, UNE's group name is University of New England and the group number is 144362-A.
  • If the initial EOI for a salary increase is approved, you will not have to show EOI for any additional salary increases in the future.
  • If the initial EOI for an increased plan election is approved, and in the future you make additional increases such as going from 2x to 3x coverage, you will be required to complete the EOI process again for that increased election. Your newly elected increased level of coverage will not go into effect until this form is completed and approved by The Standard.
  • Failure to complete the EOI may affect your benefit.

Evidence of Insurability for Late Entrants

If you are electing coverage for the first time but were previously eligible, 你必须完成一个 保险证明(EOI)表格 for any amount of coverage you elect now or in the future.


If you are 70+ years of age or will be turning 70 in 2024, please speak with HR to discuss how your coverage may be affected in 2024.


《正规澳门赌场网站》提供 生活服务工具箱(PDF) for covered employees and their beneficiaries. 各种工具包括法律形式, 在线遗嘱准备, 遗产规划协助, 避免身份盗用的小贴士, 悲伤的会话, 葬礼计划. 访问资源 有用户名保证.


Upon ending employment with the University you may have options to continue your life insurance coverage with The Standard. 请参阅 Comparing 可移植性和转换选项 (PDF) 在缅因州.


保真度损失清单(PDF) provides legal and financial steps to take after the loss of a loved one.

Accidental Death and Dismemberment Insurance

UNE provides all regular full-time employees with Accidental Death and Dismemberment Insurance coverage of one time your annual base salary at no cost. 如果你死了,这个保险会给付保险金, 失去一条腿, or lose sensory function as the result of an accident.


The Standard, UNE’s administrator for life insurance, also provides free 旅行援助 致合资格雇员.



(888) 937-4783

(800) 628-8600
