
自2012年秋季起, interprofessional teams of students and faculty have been working collaboratively to implement service learning activities at 里程碑复苏 in Portland, 缅因州. Service projects at the shelter focus on providing opportunities for discussion and support of homeless individuals with substance abuse problems through foot assessments, 浸泡, 和洗. This project encourages students to learn not only how to collaborate with other professions but also with nonprofessionals and “targets” of intervention through orientation, 阴影, 服务与反思.


  • 41-bed overnight emergency shelter for male and female substance abusers
  • 提供一个安全的睡觉的地方, 营养膳食, and clean clothing while encouraging clients to seek substance abuse treatment
  • 18-bed inpatient medically managed detoxification program
  • Biomedical assessments and physical exams, 医疗和营养计划, 心理评估, 个人和小组会议, 安置计划, 等.
  • Learn more about 里程碑复苏

Milestone-UNE Collaborative Learning Objectives 

  • Increase cultural competency, self-awareness, and social justice consciousness
  • Increase student understanding of homeless population in Portland and the health challenges they face
  • Center to Advance Interprofessional Education and Practice (CAIEP, formerly the Center for Excellence in Collaborative Education) competencies of teamwork, 沟通, 值, 角色和职责


学生 wishing to participate in this service activity must commit to the following required project elements. We consider this a professional commitment and any breach of that will be addressed by the student’s respective program, including — but not limited to — the inability to participate in clinics.


Complete the application (you can send it prior, or bring to orientation)



由收容所和护理人员带领, this meeting covers all elements of this service activity including information about 里程碑复苏, 波特兰无家可归者, as well as a review of the protocol and instructions for conducting foot checks. Commitment to service and professionalism will be discussed and there will be ample time allotted for questions.

Please consider bringing a donation of a package of men’s crew or winter socks to orientation that will be used during the foot clinics throughout the semester. 



学生 wishing to volunteer at the shelter will need to first complete a ride along with the HOME Team. 学生 will meet the HOME team drivers in pairs at the shelter and will shadow them during their shift around Portland. A description of the HOME team ride will be provided at the orientation.



学生 will meet briefly in Parker Pavilion with their assigned team of students and faculty advisors prior to starting clinic at the shelter. Clinics run approximately 2 hours and are supervised by faculty and shelter staff.



Following the HOME team ride along and foot clinic nights, students are asked to complete a brief survey regarding their experience within 24 hours of completion.


(Space is limited and by application only)

  • Foot Clinics: Screening, Assessment and Care
  • Blood Pressure and Vision Screening
  • Medication Awareness and Education
  • 健康 Promotion, 信息rmation and Awareness