

The 照顾服务不足的途径AHEC学者计划 (CUP AHEC学者 Program) is a two-year honors distinction program offered by the UNE Center for Excel­lence in Public 健康, the Maine AHEC Network in partnership with its AHEC 中心 across the state, and participating programs at the University of New England, 小量大学, 和塔夫茨医学院. The programs pro­vides opportunities for health professions students to increase leadership skills, gain competencies in interprofessional 教育 and team-based practice, understand and address health disparities and the social determinants of health in rural and underserved communities, and under­stand the role of practice transformation in addressing significant health and public health issues.

CUP AHEC学者 will participate in group and individ­ual learning activities as well as community based clinical and non-clinical activities in a variety of rural and urban underserved settings. The goal of the program is to increase the number of health pro­fessions students who practice in rural and underserved communities upon completion of their health profession training.


  • 获得跨专业教育的能力, 包括团队, 以病人为中心的护理模式.
  • Understand the impact of individual and population factors on health and healthcare, 包括经济稳定, 教育, 社会和社区背景, 健康和保健, 社区和建筑环境.
  • Understand the role of health providers in addressing health disparities and the social determinants of health, 特别是对农村和服务不足的社区.
  • Recognize the role of evidence-based practice and Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) methods in practice transformation to address significant health and public health issues, 特别是在初级保健机构.
  • Appreciate the role of cultural competence in the design and delivery of health care and increase cultural competency skills.
  • 获得新出现的健康问题的知识(例如.g. substance use and geriatric care) likely to be encountered in future practice and strategies to address these.


学生 should have an interest in health care for rural or underserved communities and be currently enrolled in one of the following health professions programs:

  • 整骨疗法或对抗疗法
  • 口腔医学
  • 药店
  • 物理治疗
  • 医师助理
  • 公共卫生硕士
  • MCD全球社区卫生工作者培训计划


The 2024–2025 AHEC Scholar application process is now open. 申请截止日期为2024年8月1日.



In order to receive the CUP AHEC学者 Honors Distinction, students must complete 40 hours of community-based experiential training and 40 hours of didactic 教育 each year in the program.

The didactic 教育 will occur through a combination of three meetings per semester with all CUP AHEC学者, 网络模块, Center to Advance Interprofessional Education and Practice (CAIEP, formerly the Center for Excellence in Collaborative Education) campus-based events, and didactic preparation for community-based experiences. Both community-based experiential training and didactic 教育 will focus on six core topic areas, 包括跨行业教育, 健康的社会决定因素, 实践的转换, 行为健康整合, 文化能力, 以及当前和新出现的健康问题. 

Activity checklists have been created for each cohort of scholars so that they can track their completion of all required activities.


学生 are required to track their participation in program activities by completing a program evaluation survey for each activity.



学生 who are selected into the CUP AHEC学者 Program and meet all of the participation requirements, 获得以下福利:

  • Priority to participate in highly sought-after Center for Excellence in 健康 Innovation and CAIEP learning activities such as the Interprofessional Team Immersion (IPTI), 农村卫生普及计划, 社区流感诊所, 加强跨专业的办事员, 和更多的.
  • Increased communication skills by engaging with those who live in rural and underserved communities.
  • A deeper understanding of communities through opportunities to hear from — and interact with — providers, 政策制定者, 社区领袖, and others who care for those in rural and underserved communities.
  • Important and desired competencies in interprofessional care and care for the underserved.
  • A Care for the Underserved Pathway AHEC Scholars Honors Distinction, which includes a tailored acknowledgment letter outlining your participation.
  • 在毕业典礼上佩戴的CUP AHEC学者荣誉带.
  • Access to the National Network of AHEC Scholars alumni throughout the country.

UNE 2018 Rural 健康 Immersion to Washington County, Maine