Testimonial Place Holder

Marissa Simoes '10

英语 Political 科学

I eventually l和ed in the right places at UNE — the Political 科学英语 Departments. I set my sights on becoming a journalist 和 took the steps to get there with a little (ok, a lot) of help from my professors 和 other faculty members at UNE.

UNE boasts "connections for life." And that is exactly what UNE gave me 和 what I value the most from the four years I spent there. UNE connected me with people that changed my life, ideas that I'll always live by, 和, most importantly for me, UNE connected me with the rest of the world.

What is so amazing, 和 unique, about UNE is that you can mold your college experience to fit you. I was able to tailor my education to get out of it exactly what I was going to need. I have learned that you get out of college exactly what you put in, 和 at UNE — the faculty 和 staff — made it incredibly easy to put in copious amounts of work because the return was so rewarding.

I decided halfway into my freshman year that I wanted to go into journalism. At the time, UNE did not have a journalism program so I was afraid I had made a huge mistake. But, one of my professors convinced me that it was possible to use what UNE did have to my advantage. Luckily for me, he was right. By the end of my four years, I had traveled the world — thanks to the 全球 Education Program; I was the editor-in-chief 和 a founding member of the Nor'Easter 新闻, UNE's first successful student newspaper; 和 I had a job, in my field.

My majors were small enough to allow me the flexibility I needed, 和 the professors I had in both departments were constantly challenging 和 engaging. They became more than just professors 和 are still actively involved in my life today.