
史蒂文(史蒂夫)C. 萨顿,B.S. 制药、Ph值.D., FAAPS

Associate Professor, Department of 医药科学 and Administration


Hi! I am Dr. 史蒂文·史提夫·C. Sutton. 我得了B.S. Pharmacy Cum Laude from 麻省药学院, Boston, where I was inducted into Rho Chi. I worked as a retail pharmacist in Harvard Square and Lowell, MA for about a year before returning to school. I met the love of my life in the School of Pharmacy and 医药科学, 纽约州立大学布法罗分校. 差不多是在我拿到博士学位的时候.D. 药学, 我们的第一个儿子出生了, 我加入了通用制药集团, CIBA-Geigy(现为诺华). A little later, we had our second son, and we moved to Lawrence, KS (go Jayhawks!) and worked at INTERx 研究 Corporation (founded by Takeru Higuchi, “物理药学之父”, 也是默克公司的子公司 & Co). Soon after our daughter was born we moved back to New England and I joined Pfizer Labs in Groton, CT in what was then called the Pharmaceutical R&D部门. In 2009, I became an inaugural faculty at the College of Pharmacy at the University of New England, 波特兰, Maine. My personal interests include hiking, fine woodworking and gardening.



Ph.D. 医药科学
B.S. Pharmacy


  • 细胞培养
  • 遗传学
  • 制药学
  • 药物动力学
  • 生理学





一个价格, SH斯塔福德, SC Sutton: Impact of Dose on Amount of Polystyrene Nanoparticles Translocated Across Caco-2 Cell Monolayers, AAPS NERDG年会, 法明顿, CT, 4月20日, 2017.

一个价格, SC Sutton: An HT29 Cell Monolayer Model to Investigate the Cumulative Genotoxic Effects of POPs and Nanoparticles, AAPS NERDG年会, 法明顿, CT. 2016年4月19日.

Duong, S. and S. C. Sutton: Predicting the Physiologically Relevant Precipitation Rate of Weakly Basic Drugs Using Potentiometric Titration. AAPS National Meeting, San Antonio, TX, AAPS, 2013.



Jabor Z. and S. C. Sutton (2023). 消化的影响, 细胞培养基, 粘液的物理性质, 细胞的影响, and Translocation of Polystyrene and Polymethacrylate Nanoparticles.“毒物 11(8): 708-720.

Canham,年代., S. C. Sutton. Effects of in vitro digestion on the impact of plastic nanoparticles in an in vitro intestinal model. SoP Dean’s 研究 Day, UNE, 波特兰, ME 1 September 2021.

Kachrani H., A. 萨利D. Brazeau,年代. C. 萨顿(2019). Genetic evidence for the impact of inflammation caused by orally ingested nanoparticles of plastic (likely food contaminants) on an in vitro model of the gut. Maine Pharmacy Association Fall Convention, 波特兰, ME 14 September 2019.

赫尔利,B.法纳姆,A.布拉索,D.萨顿,S.C. (2019). Determining Whether Gene Toxicity from Acute Exposure of Plastic Nanoparticles and the Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon – Benzo[a]pyrene are Additive. UNECOM研究论坛2018年9月.

林肯,R., S. C. 萨顿(2018). The effects of B[a]P on an in vitro model of the human GI immune system. Maine Pharmacy Association Fall Convention, 波特兰, ME 22 September 2018.



萨顿,年代. C. (2017). 第三章. 药物管理和药物吸收. 基础药代动力学和药效学. S. 罗森鲍姆. 霍博肯,新泽西州,威利:35-70.

萨顿,年代. C. (2017). 第九章. 药物动力学 of Extravascular Drug Administration. 基础药代动力学和药效学. S. 罗森鲍姆. 霍博肯,新泽西州,威利:201-224

萨顿,年代.C (2013) Chapter 6: “Biopharmaceutics and veterinary drug delivery”, 在:动物保健药物输送, 迈克尔·拉斯伯恩(编辑), 管制释放协会, 施普林格出版公司,纽约 

萨顿,年代.C (2013) Chapter 4: “Anatomy and physiology of the companion animal”, 在:动物保健药物输送, 迈克尔·拉斯伯恩(编辑), 管制释放协会, 施普林格出版公司,纽约 

Jaymin沙, 史蒂夫·萨顿, 苏珊的方式, Gayle Brazeau (2013) “Parenteral Formulations: Local Injection Site Reaction and Muscle Tolerance”, In: Encyclopedia of Pharmaceutical Technology Third Edition, James Swarbrick(编辑)Informa Healthcare USA, Inc.,纽约 

萨顿,年代.C., P. Smith (2011. Animals Suitable for Modeling Controlled Release, 中:“口服控释”, 克莱夫·威尔逊, 林Skalsky & Patrick Crowley (eds), 管制释放协会, 施普林格出版公司,纽约.



Maine INBRE Core Access grant: Effect of nanoparticles on the barrier integrity of an in vitro cell-based intestinal model. 2023-24.

UNE CoP院长暑期奖学金: Plastic nanoparticles on an in vitro model of the inflamed intestine. Carmella St Pierre, Pharm D student, Class of 2025. 2022.


萨顿,SC. Challenges When Working with Different Animal Species. USP Workshop on In vitro Testing for Meeting Future Challenges for Veterinary Dosage Forms, 3月14日至15日, 2016年欧洲药典会议中心, 罗克维尔市, 马里兰.

萨顿,SC. Interspecies intestinal differences and impact on oral dosage forms for animal health” to be presented at the joint CRS/AAPS workshop “Animal Health Drug R&D: Formulation, Delivery and Development to Market”, November 1-2, 2014, in San Diego

萨顿,SC. 解剖 & physiology of interspecies’ biopharmaceutics, presented at the “Interspecies clinical pharmacology dosing concepts” mini-symposia, at the 2014 Annual Meeting of the 管制释放协会, 7月13 - 16, 2014, 在芝加哥

萨顿,SC. Predictive Animal Models for Assessing Long-Acting Formulations for Human and Animal Health, 在就职典礼上 Controlled and Modified Drug Release Conference 于2011年5月7日至8日在宾夕法尼亚州费城举行

萨顿,SC. Critical Features of Solubility and Permeability that can Limit the Food Effect, 在第二届年度药物配方会议上提出 & Bioavailability – West Coast, in San Diego, CA, on June 2-3, 2014

萨顿,年代. C.: Biopharmaceutics and 药物动力学 of the Food Effect, presented at the Roundtable: When Food Impacts Oral Drug Exposure: The Nature and Study of the Food Effect. 美国儿科学会全国会议,圣安东尼奥,11月., 2013.

萨顿SC. 利用计算机, in vitro and preclinical methods to optimize your clinical prediction from biopharmaceutic modeling. ExlPharma’s 2nd Enhancing Drug Bioavailability and Solubility Conference, Boston, MA January, 2013


Determine the impact of chronic low-level orally ingested "forever" chemicals and nano plastic particles on the immune system of the intestines.

