Headshot of 迈克尔•劳伦斯

迈克尔·劳伦斯,M.S., cscs, CPSS

Assistant Program Director

Associate Teaching Professor



迈克尔•劳伦斯 is an Assistant Teaching Professor in the Department of Physical Therapy. He teaches kinesiology and mentors student research projects. 

His personal research interests include the mechanics of various strength training exercises, strength and conditioning, and the neuromuscular control of movement. 正规澳门赌场网络以外, he is a competitive powerlifter and holds an Professional total in the 275lb weight class. His best lifts are: 825 lbs squat (925 lbs equipped), 500lbs bench (661 lbs equipped), 还有710磅的硬举.






Lawrence M,哈蒂根·E, 你CLower limb moments differ when towing a weighted sled with different loads and attachment points. 运动生物力学 2013.

卡尔森LA,科赫AJ, Lawrence M. Influence of Flo-Dynamics Intervention on Measures of Performance in Older Persons. Clin Interv Aging 2013:8:905-11.

卡托尔C,卡尔森LA, Lawrence M. Effects of Sled towing on Sprint Starts. Journal of Strength and Conditioning. J强度和强度. 2014:28(5):1241-5.

哈嗯, Lawrence M, Bisson B, Torgerson E, Knight R. Relationship of the Functional Movement Screen™ In-Line Lunge to Power, Speed, and Balance Measures. 体育健康. 2014.

Lawrence MCarslon LA. Effects of an Unstable Load on Force and Muscle Activation during a Parallel Back Squat. J强度和强度. 2017:29(10):2949-53

Bisesti B, Lawrence M, Koch AJ卡尔森洛杉矶. Comparison of Foot Strike Mechanics during Lateral Cutting: 光着脚 vs. 穿鞋. J强度和强度. 2015:29(11):3075-8.

Ostrowski S卡尔森·L, Lawrence M. Effect of an Unstable Load on Primary and Stabilizing Muscles During the Bench Press. J强度和强度. 2017;31(2):430-434.

Lane H, Rose LE, Woodbury M, Arghavani D, Lawrence M卡瓦诺JT. Exploring the effects of using an oral appliance to reduce movement dysfunction in an individual with Parkinson disease: a single subject design study. [J]神经物理学. 2017;41(1):52-58.

Lawrence M, Leib D, Ostrowski S卡尔森·L. A Non-linear Analysis of an Unstable Bench Press Bar Path and Muscle Activation. J强度和强度. 2017:31(5):1206-1211.

卡尔森洛杉矶, 劳伦斯·马,卡瓦利尔K,科赫AJ., Salivary Lymphocyte Responses Following Acute Anaerobic Exercise In A Cool Environment. J强度和强度. 2017;31(5):1236-1240.

哈嗯, 劳伦斯·马Murray T, Townsend J. Biomechanical Profiles When towing a Sled and Wearing a Weighted Vest Once Cleared for Sports Post-ACL Reconstruction. 体育健康. 2016:8(5).

哈嗯, Aucoin J, Carlson R, Klieber M, Murray T, Shaw B, 劳伦斯·马. Relationships between Knee Extension Moments during Weighted and Unweighted Gait and Strength Measures that Predict Knee Moments after ACL Reconstruction. 体育健康. 2017:9(4):356-363.

卡尔森LA,福勒C, 劳伦斯·马. Agility and Vertical Jump Performances are Impacted by Acute Cool Exposure. J强度和强度. 接受了2017年.

卡尔森洛杉矶, 劳伦斯·马Kenefick RW. Hydration Status and Thermoregulatory Responses in Drivers during Competitive Racing. J强度和强度. 接受了2017年.


Mentored 学生的研究 Projects

比斯蒂B,卡托C, Lawrence M卡尔森洛杉矶. A Comparison of Knee Moments during a Lateral Cutting Maneuver: 穿鞋 vs. 光着脚. 2012.

Cottle C, Bisesti B, Jackson M卡尔森洛杉矶, Lawrence M. Kinetic Differences in Weighted and Un-Weighted Sprint Starts. 2012.

福勒C, Lawrence M, Koch AJ卡尔森洛杉矶. Effects of Acute cold Exposure on Performance. 2013.

Lyons C, Carlson C, Lawrence M. Force Production and Muscle Activity During Sprint Starts while Pulling a Heavy Sled. 2014.

科特尔C,斯托尔茨弗斯S, Lawrence M. Does a Neuromuscular Training Program Improve Mechanics during Landing and Cutting maneuvers. 2015.

Ostrowski S卡尔森·L, Lawrence M. Effect of an Unstable Load on Primary and Stabilizing Muscles During the Bench Press. 2015.

Pobocik K, Brazeau D, Lawrence M卡尔森·L. Influence of Exercise Time of Day on Salivary Melatonin Responses. 2015.

布朗尼亚克T,库克C, Lawrence M. The Effectiveness of an 8-minute Squat Intervention for the Untrained Adult. 2016

Ostrowski S卡尔森·L, Lawrence M. Effect of an Unstable Load on Deep Stabilizing Muscles during the Bench Press. 2016.

检验员K, Lawrence M. The Effects of the Safety Squat Bar on Trunk and Lower Body Mechanics. 2017.


