
媚兰的. Sigouin C.P.C., C.P.B.

Medical Coding Specialist

Medical Billing Specialist

Motivated business professional with over 33 years of dedicated customer service experience, bookkeeping and record retention. Proven leader in Customer Service. Detail-oriented with the ability to problem solve. Combined this experience with recent education in medical billing and medical coding in an environment where accuracy and efficiency are a top priority.

• Translate patient information and into alphanumeric medical code
• Manage patient account 支付
• Submit claims to billing company
• Prepare and review patient encounter forms
• Review delinquent accounts and update system for collection purposes
• Maintain strict confidentiality
• Sort and file paperwork
• Ensure healthcare facilities are reimbursed for all procedures
• Handle information about patient treatment, 诊断, and related procedures to ensure proper coding
• Know several different coding systems, ICD-9-CM和ICD-10-CM, AMA CPT专业, including Level I HCPCS and Level II HCPCS
• Use computers to read and organized charts
• Training providers on updates or new coding guidelines. 
• Follow up to see if a claim is accepted or denied.
• Investigate rejected claim to see why denial was issued.
• Conduct audits on providers to insure proper coding, 诊断, 支付, and compile the information into a compliance report for the University



North Shore Community College

  • 微积分I (MAT251)

海岸职业学校s-Sanford Campus

  • Foundation in 教育 (102FND)
  • Introduction to Medicine (102IM)
  • Medical Coding Fundamentals (203OPM)
  • Professional Insurance Processing (204PIP)
  • 健康 Care Processes (101HCP)
  • Professional 电脑及相关知识uter Skills / Windows / Word / excel (101PCS)
  • Introduction to Microsoft ACCESS and Skillbuilding (204ASB)
  • Professional Medical Coding (305INS)
  • Career Planning (306BUS)
  • Billing and Coding Forms / CPC Reveiw (306INS)
  • Medical 电脑及相关知识uter Skills (306MCS)
  • Allied 健康 Extership (307MED)

Massachusetts Maritime Academy

  • 代数 & 三角函数(111)
  • 化学I (211)
  • English 电脑及相关知识osition (311)
  • Introduction Steam Engineering (711)
  • Introduction Marine Transport (611)
  • Physical 教育 I (011)
  • Western Civilization (411)
  • Sea Term I (Engine) (714)
  • Sea Term I (Deck) (614)
  • 电脑及相关知识. 掠夺. Basic (113)
  • 化学II (212)
  • 普通生物学(912)
  • Technical Writing (3315)
  • Physical 教育 II (012)
  • College Physics I (221)
  • Bio / Chem Oceanography (2305)
  • 数据管理(913)
  • Applied Environmental Math (921)
  • Analysis / Interrupt of Literature (312)
  • Physical 教育 III (021)
  • American Government (442)
  • 概率 & 统计(1306)
  • College Physics II (222)
  • American Literature (321)
  • Physical 教育 IV (022)
  • 今日经济(421)

University of New England

  • ICD-10-CM解剖学 & 病理生理学
  • ICD-10-CM General Code Training
  • Certified Professional Biller 



Certified Professional Coder (CPC) Medical Coding Certification(Link)



Certified Professional BILLER (CPB) Medical Coding Certification(Link)







Board 认证 and Licenses

CPC - Certified Professional Coder
CPB - Certified Professional Biller