
玛丽莎·里昂,PT, Ph ..D., D.P.T., nc





Dr. 玛丽莎·里昂 is a dedicated professor specializing in the field of physical therapy, 特别关注神经学. 她获得了物理治疗的博士学位, 强调神经学, 来自德克萨斯女子大学, along with a Doctor of Physical Therapy and a Bachelor of 科学 in 教育. 自2019年以来,. Lyon has been a Core Faculty Member and 助理教授 at the University of New England's Department of Physical Therapy in Portland, 缅因州. 在担任现职之前, she served as an Adjunct Course Instructor at 德克萨斯女子大学 and gained valuable experience as a Physical Therapist at The Institute for Rehabilitation and 研究 at Memorial Hermann.

Dr. 里昂积极参与她所在领域的研究, having published her work in respected journals and presented at scientific conferences. Her dedication to advancing knowledge is complemented by her board certification as a Neurologic Specialist. 她是专业组织的活跃成员, including the American Physical Therapy Association and the Academy of Neurologic Physical Therapy.

除了她的学术和研究努力,博士. 里昂为她的大学服务, 大学, and department through committee involvement and advisory roles. She has been recognized for her commitment to excellence in teaching, receiving the Distinguished Graduate Teaching Award from UNE Westbrook College of 健康的职业.

Dr. 玛丽莎·里昂 has a genuine passion for physical therapy and teaching students to provide care to individuals with neurologic health conditions. 

Current teaching responsibilities include PTH 605, PTH 603, PTH 522, and PTH 735. 





  • 平衡
  • 脑损伤
  • Neuro-rehabilitation


Neurologic Clinical Specialist, American Board of Physical Therapy Specialties



1. 平衡 Exercise Prescription Practices of United States Physical Therapists
2. 平衡 Exercise Clinical Reasoning of 全球 健康 Care Providers
3. Current interventions used to treat patients after anterior cruciate ligament surgery: Changes in clinical practice over time and how interventions compare to current practice guidelines - A Scoping Review


里昂米, Mitchell K, Medley A, Roddey T, Gleeson P. Impact of standardized balance measurement of physical therapist decision-making in acquired brain injury: a survey. 物理理论实践. 2022. doi:10.1080/09593985.2022.2040067

里昂米, Mitchell K, Medley A, Roddey T, Gleeson P. Keeping it all in balance: a qualitative analysis of the role of balance outcome measurement in physical therapist decision-making and patient outcomes. 残疾和康复. 2022. doi:10.1080/09638288.2022.2118872


Lee-Choe J.李,A.M.惠特尼,T.N.布鲁索拉,G.A.法利,M.K., 里昂,米.F. (2023) Test-retest Reliability of the 平衡 Intensity Scale Among Student Physical Therapists. ANPT年会2023,明尼阿波利斯,明尼苏达州. 

Farlie, M.K.布鲁索拉,G., 里昂,米. (2023) Employing a distributed research mentorship model incorporating international collaboration in physical therapy student scholarship. 澳大利亚 & New Zealand Association for 健康 Profession Educators Conference. 澳大利亚黄金海岸.

里昂,米.米切尔,K.罗迪,T.麦德利,A.格里森,P. (2023) Impact of a Knowledge Translation Intervention on Therapy Minutes and Functional Patient Outcomes. American Physical Therapy Association Combined Sections Meeting, San Diego, CA. 

里昂,C. 里昂,米. (2023) Multi-Modal Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy to Facilitate Successful Return to Work as a Standardized Patient. 协会联合分会会议,圣地亚哥,加州. 

里昂,米.米切尔,K.罗迪,T.麦德利,A.格里森,P. (2020). Keeping it all in balance: The role of 结果测量 in 临床决策. American Physical Therapy Association Combined Sections Meeting, Denver, Colorado.

布鲁尔E.M .里昂. (2020) Are Neurologic Physical Therapists across the Continuum of Care Using Outcome Measures? American Physical Therapy Associtation Combined Sections Meeting, San Diego, CA. 

里昂,米.温加德,D.布鲁索拉,G. (2018). Influence of patient cognitive function on interrater reliability of balance measurements in individuals with history of traumatic brain injury. American Physical Therapy Association Combined Sections Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana.

里昂,米.格里森,P. (2017). Use of balance measures among physical therapists in the traumatic brain injury population. American Physical Therapy Association Combined Sections Meeting, San Antonio, Texas.

马丁,我., 里昂,米. (2017). Use of robotic gait training for recovery of ambulation after acquired brain injury with ataxia: A case study. American Physical Therapy Association Combined Sections Meeting, San Antonio, Texas.

科恩,呃., 里昂,米.Verduzco-Gutierrez, M. (2017). Innovative interdisciplinary rehabilitation approach in an outpatient clinic. Association of Academic Physiatrists Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada.

里昂,米.格里森,P. (2015). Vertebrobasilar occlusion: screening and treatment by a physical therapist, 非手术候选人的案例研究. American Physical Therapy Association Combined Sections Meeting, Indianapolis, Indiana.

里昂,米.格里森,P. (2014). Vertebrobasilar occlusion: screening and treatment by a physical therapist, 非手术候选人的案例研究. 德克萨斯女子大学研究会议,休斯顿,德克萨斯州.


“平衡 Exercise Prescription Practices of United States Physical Therapists.正规澳门赌场网络小型资助计划,2023-2024年.


“迷你最佳的比较效用”, 伯格平衡量表, and Functional Gait Assessment to Predict Falls in Individuals after Traumatic Brain Injury.” TIRR Rehabilitation Innovations Grant Program Staff Project Award, Peer Reviewed

“Therapist Perceptions of the Impact of Standardized 平衡 Measurement on Therapist Decision-making and Patient Outcomes.” Texas Physical Therapy Foundation 研究 Grant, Peer Reviewed


平衡运动, 结果测量, 运动强度, 临床决策, knoweldge翻译