


Dr. 希瑟·德怀尔·萨德里尔 is an 副教授 和 多样性 Educator. She teaches the following courses: 多样性 & Social Justice in the ClassroomControversial Issues in 教育, 原因 & 不平等的代价, 不同学习者的读写能力, 社会研究方法. Dr. Sadlier also works with the Office of Multicultural Affairs 和 多样性 和 contributed to the development of the 正规澳门赌场网络's 多样性 Leadership Certificate program. She teaches two of the DLC program's required workshops: 隐式的 偏见 & 刻板印象 社会经济Class-阶级歧视.

Prior to earning her doctorate in 教育al Leadership in 2005, Dr. Sadlier worked in K-12 education as a classroom teacher, 读写专家, gifted 和 talented teacher/program coordinator. Together with her husb和, she wrote four regional hiking guides, illustrated with her photographs. In addition to photography 和 hiking, she enjoys sea kayaking, tennis, volleyball.

The following two quotes express her life 和 work philosophy:

"In all my work, what I try to say is that as human beings, we are more alike than we are unalike. Equal rights, fair play, justice are all like the air: we all have it -- or none of us have it."
maya Angelou

“只要有可能,要友善. 凡事皆有可能." 



University of New Hampshire, Durham
University of New Hampshire, Durham



遗憾的是,. (审查). Building Underst和ing, Respect, & Relationships: Evolving from "Us & Them" to "We": proposed chapter for the text: Racial incidents 和 the public schools: What should educators do? Academy for 教育al Studies.

遗憾的是,.  (2016年9月25日).  "Strategies for Addressing Bullying: Advice from Educators." Biddeford Journal Tribune ~ 健康 和 健康.

遗憾的是,. (研究现状). St和ing up for the other: who, why, how. 对于她目前的研究, Sadlier interviews individuals who choose to humanize "others" by st和ing up 和/or speaking out for individuals or groups who would not be seen as members of their own tribe. She probes for the impactful factors that lead to these decisions to be "allies for others."

遗憾的是,. (2010). Creating 和 maintaining safe 和 respectful school climates: The principal's role. International Journal of 多样性 in Organisations, Communities 和 国家. 10(6): pp.183-198.

遗憾的是,. (2010). 家庭作业:重点是什么? The International Journal of Learning. 17(10): pp. 155-164.

遗憾的是,. (2009). Teaching controversial issues: 教育al inequities. 在海尔曼,E.弗鲁贾,R. & Missias, M. (Eds.), Social studies 和 多样性 教育: What We Do 和 Why We Do It. 亚特兰大,乔治亚州:劳特利奇. pp. 93-96.

遗憾的是,. (2009). College classroom climate: The professor's pivotal role. International Journal of  the Humanities. 6(9): pp. 47-52.

遗憾的是,. (2009). A School Leader's Conversations: Perceived Impacts on Relationships 和 School Climate. Saarbrucken, Germany: VDM Publishing House.


~表示: The Power of After School Literacy Programs to Build Reading Interest & 技能. Rotary Club, Lake Arrowhead, California. 2018年6月.

~多样性 Leadership Certificate Workshops:  偏见 & 刻板印象 和 Socio-Economic Class & 阶级歧视. Office of Multicultural Affairs, 正规澳门赌场网络, Biddeford, Maine - September 2012 to present.

~Panel Member: 正规澳门赌场网络 Community Conversation: MLK: Our Long Road to Racial Justice  ——2017年1月.

~表示:  Allies for Others: Challenging 偏见es 和 刻板印象.  Rivier University, Nashua, New Hampshire October 2016.

~Panel member: 正规澳门赌场网络 Constitution Day: Free Speech/Hate Speech in the United States 2015年9月.

教师 & 学生工作坊主持人: Addressing Issues Related to 隐式的 偏见es & 刻板印象. 加州海事学院. 加州Valejo. 2012年10月.

~Conference Workshop Presentation: St和ing Up for the Other: Who, Why, How. Twelfth International Conference on 多样性 in Organizations, Communities, & 国家. University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada - June 2012.

~多样性 Lecture Series Presentation/Workshop: 探索我们的多样性. Office of Multicultural Affairs. 正规澳门赌场网络, Biddeford, Maine - Fall 2012.