


Coordinator of Special 教育 Programs

Maine LEND Training Director


Decary Hall 139

奥黛丽巴塞洛缪 is an 副教授, Coordinator of Special 教育 Programs, and faculty on the Maine LEND Program. She currently teaches coursework in special education courses including introduction to special education, 自闭症, 特殊教育方法, and supporting challenging behavior. Audrey's research interests include scholarship of  teaching and learning and how to include students with disabilities in general education through meaningful instruction and positive behavior supports.  She has experience teaching special education K-12 and has provided extensive training in Maine and other states on developing meaningful secondary transition plans.  Audrey is a volunteer with the state of Maine as an educational surrogate, works with the Maine Parent Federation as a Family Support Navigator, and sits on the Board of Directors for the Maine Parent Federation.



University of North Carolina Charlotte



Alignment between academic skills and secondary transition skills for students with disabilities, effective teacher preparation practices


巴塞洛缪,. & 格里芬,N. (2017).  Using a Universal Design for Learning checklist to teach secondary transition skills. Manuscript under review in Career Development and Transition for Exceptional Individuals

巴塞洛缪,.帕佩伊,C.麦康奈尔,A., & Cease-Cook J. (2015).  Embedding secondary transition in the Common Core State Standards. Teaching Exceptional Children, 47(6), 329-335.

巴塞洛缪,.,测试,D. W.纽约州库克市. L., & Cease-Cook J. J. (2015).  Effects of teaching self-determination skills using the Common Core State Standards. 教育 and Training in 自闭症 and Developmental Disabilities, 50, 433-454.

哈伯,M. G.马佐蒂,V. L.马斯蒂安,A. L.罗,D. A.巴塞洛缪,A. L.,测试,D. W.福勒,C. H. (2015). 什么工作, 当, 为谁, and with whom: A meta-analytic review of predictors of postsecondary success for students with disabilities. Review of 教育al 研究, 86, 123-162.

测试中,维. W.巴塞洛缪,A.白求恩,L. (2015).  What high school administrators need to know about secondary transition evidenced-based practices and predictors for students with disabilities. NASSP公报,1999, 254-273.

巴塞洛缪,.帕佩伊,C.麦康奈尔,A., & Cease-Cook J. (2015). Embedding secondary transition in the Common Core State Standards. Teaching Exceptional Children, 47(6), 329-335.

巴塞洛缪,. (2015). Speaking personally-With Sean Joseph Smith. American Journal of Distance 教育, 29, 67-72.

克拉克,我. & 巴塞洛缪,. (2014). Digging beneath the surface: Analyzing the complexity of instructors’ participation in asynchronous discussion.  在线 Learning: Official Journal of the 在线 Learning Consortium, 18, 1-22.

福勒,C. H.,测试,D. W.J.汤姆,哦.巴塞洛缪,A., & Scroggins L. (2014). Policy implications of high school reform on college and career readiness of youth with disabilities. Journal of Disability Policy Studies, 25, 19-29.

测试中,维. W.,库克-休,J.巴塞洛缪,A., & Scroggins L. (2014). How do we support life skills and transition instruction. 在J. McLeskey N. 沃尔德伦F. 斯普纳, & B. Algozzine (Eds.), Handbook of research and practice for effective and inclusive schools. 纽约,劳特利奇.

卡特,E.布洛克,M.Bottema, K.巴塞洛缪,A., Boehm, T., & Cease-Cook J. J. (2013). Methodological trends in secondary education and transition research: Looking backward and moving forward. Career Development and Transition for Exceptional Individuals, 36, 15-24.

凯利,K. R.巴塞洛缪,A., & 测试中,维. W. (2013). Effects of the Self-Directed IEP delivered using computer-assisted instruction on students’ participation in education planning meetings. Remedial and Special 教育, 34, 67-77.

沃克,. R., & 巴塞洛缪,. L. (2011). Student development: Employment skills. 在D. W. 测试(Eds.). Proven instructional strategies for transition from school to community. Baltimore: Brookes Publishing.

O 'Dell年代. M.维拉多,B. A.克恩,L.科基纳,A.阿什,A. N.西摩,K. 托马斯J…,L. B. (2011). JPBI ten years later: Trends in research studies. Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions, 13, 78-86.