
美国骨科急诊医师学会 — Student Chapter

The student chapter for the 美国骨科急诊医师学会 provides h和s-on educational opportunities in all things emergency medicine including suturing, 气道管理, 超声波, 和更多的. The chapter also provides networking opportunities for students who are interested in the field of emergency medicine.

国家关系: 美国骨科急诊医师学会

American College of Osteopathic Obstetricians 和 Gynecologists — Student Chapter

The UNE COM Chapter of the American College of Osteopathic Obstetricians 和 Gynecologists (OB/GYN club) is a medical specialty interest club for anyone interested in the fields of obstetrics, 妇科, 生殖健康, 和/或性健康. 俱乐部提供讲座。, 诊所, 筹款活动, 和 academic events to bolster medical education in OB/GYN topics that are otherwise not addressed in the st和ard didactic curriculum.

国家关系: ACOOG COM学生分会

American College of Osteopathic Pediatricians — Student Chapter

The American College of Osteopathic Pediatricians Club promotes pediatric medical education by hosting lectures 和 organizing attendance at the AAP 和 ACOP National Conferences. Members engage with the local community by volunteering with the Biddeford school system, 在麦当劳之家做饭, 和 getting involved with advocacy campaigns that keep children happy 和 healthy.

国家关系: ACOP COM学生分会

American College of Osteopathic Surgeons — Medical Student Section

The Medical Student Section of American College of Osteopathic Surgeons is for those interested in surgery or early exposure to techniques such as suturing. The club provides exposure to the field of surgery by sponsoring lectures, meetings, 和 workshops. The club builds interest in surgery as a specialty while showing how surgery fits into the overall patient care experience.

国家社会兼职: Student Section of the American College of Osteopathic Surgeons (治疗)


The American Geriatrics Society informs students about geriatric 和 palliative care/hospice medicine through educational seminars 和 career talks with local clinicians. 学生 make connections with local older adults through game nights, 到专业护理机构就诊, 和事件.

国家关系: AGS COM学生分会


The 麻醉和疼痛管理俱乐部 provides early exposure to the field through events structured around pathways to a career in anesthesia, 接触研究机会, 和 collaboration with local providers on a variety of topics from pain medicine to residency. Members advocate on the state 和 national level through involvement with the Maine Society of Anesthesiologists 和 the American Society of Anesthesiologists.



The 皮肤病学俱乐部 promotes interest in dermatology by exposing students to different subspecialties within the field through guest 演讲者, 期刊社, 和 h和s-on experience such as melanoma screening workshops.


The Neurology 和 Psychiatry club represents a motivated group of students with diverse interests. Its focus is academic 和 centered on promoting research in each respective field. The club is also involved in our local community through events at Maine mental healthcare facility Sweetser 和 UNE大脑博览会.


The 肿瘤学俱乐部 exposes OMSI 和 OMSII students to varied aspects of cancer care 和 research.  Members organize guest 演讲者 covering a broad range of related topics in cancer, 包括临床专科, 伦理的挑战, 开展癌症研究, 探索整骨疗法在肿瘤学中的作用.


The 骨科运动医学俱乐部 promotes the fields of orthopedics 和 sports medicine through sporting events, 演讲者, 期刊社, 还有一些工作坊,比如缝合和选角活动. 它隶属于SAOASM和SAOAO.


The 物理医学和康复俱乐部 enhances COM students’ medical education, 实践知识, 领导能力, 和 research opportunities in the field of Physical Medicine 和 Rehabilitation.


The 学生骨科内科协会 provides opportunities for students to explore the possibility of a career in internal medicine 和 its many subspecialties. 成员主持小组与内科(IM)的居民, 普通内科医生, 和 IM subspecialists to provide insight into this pathway. Members get exposure to the latest developments in the field of IM by participating in research 期刊社 和 attending research conferences at both the local 和 national level.

国家社会兼职: 美国骨科医师学会 和 美国医师学会 


The 学生放射学协会 offers h和s-on skill development at workshops, insight into the field through events with current specialists, 和 promotes successful learning by sharing valuable resources 和 study materials. The goal of the club is to cultivate imaging 和 reading skills for both academic 和 clinical achievement while exploring the field of radiology.