Clubs and Organizations

American Medical Women's Association — Student Chapter

美国女医务人员协会UNE COM分会就妇女在医疗行业的平等和提高地位问题提供支持和教育. 该小组向所有有兴趣了解更多正规澳门赌场网络性别差异在工作中的待遇和期望的学生开放, healthcare outcomes, and salary gaps. AMWA hosts a variety of speakers, networking events, and fundraisers to help make the world a better, healthier place for everyone.

National Affiliation: American Medical Women’s Association

This is not a group that is exclusive to women. AMWA has male members and they are very welcome in the group. We provide support for one another. 我们把医科学生介绍给女医生,希望结成联盟/师徒关系,分享经验. 作为一个团体,我们期待在促进整骨疗法和妇女健康方面一起欢笑和学习.

Christian Medical and Dental Association

Do you have to give up your mission in pursuit of your medical career? 基督教医学牙科协会为学生提供了一个谈论他们的基督教信仰的地方, share experiences, and hear first-hand stories from doctors and professionals to help clarify this question. The group is dedicated to figuring it out together.

National Affiliation: Christian Medical and Dental Association

Global Health Club/DOCARE

DOCARE倡导全球环境下的患者,并向社区宣传全球健康. They also provide lectures and training related to global health such as tropical medicine, infectious disease, cross-cultural awareness and diversity, and medical access in resource-limited settings.

National Affiliation: DOCARE

Health Policy Club

健康政策俱乐部为您提供机会,让您了解一般的健康政策问题, and advocate for a better health care system that works for all people.

National Affiliation: Physicians for a National Health Program

Jewish Medical Student Association

犹太医科学生协会(JMSA)是犹太医科学生和其他对犹太教感兴趣的学生的资源. JMSA通过安息日晚宴等活动促进对COM犹太社区和整骨疗法专业的认识和理解, Passover Seders, and a Latke fundraiser.


Latino Medical Student Association

拉丁裔医学生协会(LMSA)通过服务团结医学生并赋予他们权力, mentorship, and education as it advocates for Latino health. LMSA hosts weekly class, leading members through the medical interview in Spanish. In addition to the medical interview content, 俱乐部的领导将文化教育融入到各种主题中,例如如何在服务拉丁社区时最好地跨越社会和语言障碍.

National Affiliation: Latino Medical Student Association

Medical Student Pride Alliance

医学生骄傲联盟(MSPA)促进对多样性的认识和理解, inclusivity, 通过促进正规澳门赌场网络LGBTQIA+主题的交流,并努力将这些主题融入新网课程,了解LGBTQIA+社区成员的具体需求.

Muslim Student Association

穆斯林学生协会(MSA)坚持整骨疗法的原则,通过与校园内的信仰团体举办文化敏感性讲习班,促进对话,促进健康和医学的整体方法, awareness, and understanding. Additionally, MSA将打击媒体对伊斯兰教的叙述,并通过不同信仰间的讨论教育那些对我们宗教的真正教义感兴趣的人. 国务院还将确保设施和服务能够充分满足宗教义务, such as having places for prayer and providing halal food on campus.

National Affiliation: MSA National

Medical Students for Choice

医学生选择是一个倡导和教育组织,致力于支持未来的堕胎提供者和支持堕胎的医生. 该组织坚持认为,所有人都应享有与其个人和文化价值观相一致的性健康和生殖健康,并认识到人们是自己身体的专家,并就性行为做出自己的决定, health, and whether and when to have children. 它支持未来的医生,他们认为堕胎和避孕是医疗保健的重要方面,应该被视为标准做法. 

National Affiliation: Medical Students for Choice

Student National Medical Association

全国学生医学协会(SNMA)支持当前和未来代表性不足的少数民族医学生, addressing the needs of underserved communities, and increasing the number of clinically excellent, culturally competent, and socially conscious physicians.

SNMA chapters based at allopathic and osteopathic medical schools throughout the nation, and some colleges, implement our programs and activities locally. SNMA计划旨在满足服务不足社区和有色人种社区的健康需求. In addition, 该协会致力于确保医学教育和服务对不同人口的需求具有文化敏感性,并致力于增加非洲裔美国人的人数, Latino, and other students of color entering and completing medical school.

National Affiliation: Student National Medical Association

Student Physicians for Social Responsibility

学生医生社会责任组织(SPSR)认识到医生为他人服务的内在责任,并鼓励学生通过探索医疗保健方面的差异来进一步接受教育, community health, and patient advocacy. 该战略还认识到环境与健康之间的相互关系,并旨在进一步了解气候变化如何, environmental injustice, cultural norms, social determinants of health, and individual environments might affect health. SPSR主持了正规澳门赌场网络COM学生如何利用他们的知识进一步临床实践的讨论,并促进了可能影响当地社区和整个医疗保健领域积极变化的举措.

National Affiliation: Physicians for Social Responsibility

White Coats for Black Lives

整骨疗法医学的主要原则之一是结构和功能的相互关系. This is true for the body as a unit, and also the field of health care. 2016年发生的事件充分表明,种族主义在所有社会结构中仍然根深蒂固, including the profession of medicine. 白大褂黑人生活俱乐部旨在阐明在学生-博士教育的形成阶段公开的系统性种族主义和隐性种族偏见,并支持COM管理部门改善学生多样性和多样性培训. 我们可以共同努力,消除医学实践中的种族主义和歧视,实现人人享有医疗保健的平等.

National Affiliation: WC4BL National Working Group