Exterior of the Pharmacy building on UNE's Portland Campus

UNE establishes biotechnology research lab on 波特兰健康科学校区

The laboratory that will help establish UNE as a biomedical research powerhouse for the state of Maine

正规澳门赌场网络是 excited to announce the launch of the Portland Laboratory for Biotechnology and 健康 科学s, a pioneering addition to the University’s growing academic and research landscape.

该实验室位于正规澳门赌场网络新更名的 波特兰健康科学校区,占据了两层 药学院 building at the heart of the University’s campus on Stevens Avenue.

格温马洪, UNE’s provost and senior vice president for Academic Affairs, said establishment of the Portland Laboratory for Biotechnology and 健康 科学s aligns with UNE’s strategic priority to make the University a bastion of 缅因州的研究创新项目.

“This world-class laboratory reinforces our dedication to fostering collaborative, interdisciplinary research initiatives that address local and global needs, all while amplifying our efforts to engage students in focused research and scholarship,马洪说. “缅因州的生物技术部门正在发展. 这一增长, 加上最近联邦政府对生物技术的投资, creates an ideal environment for UNE to meaningfully contribute.”

Karen Houseknecht and a student examine research data at a computer screen

凯伦·豪斯内克特博士.D., examines lab data with a student in the new Portland Laboratory for Biotechnology and 健康 科学s.

According to Mahon, the new laboratory will bolster UNE’s expertise in biotechnology and 健康科学研究 while also creating opportunities for strategic research partnerships and contributing to workforce development in this dynamic field.

UNE is part of Maine’s growing bioscience and biotechnology ecosystem.

在2022年,正规澳门赌场网络研究员伊娃·巴洛格博士.D.,副教授 化学他是一项研究的四名合作调查员之一 美国国家科学基金会拨款600万美元 to develop protein sensors for supporting quality control in biomanufacturing and biotechnology.

7月,学校举办了BIO-SENS研讨会 是什么让该基金的主要研究人员聚集在一起, as well researchers from the four partner institutions and leaders in New England’s biotechnology and biomanufacturing sectors — to discuss advancements in the research and highlight the work of students in developing innovative products that have the potential to save time and money — and lives.



Karen Houseknecht and a student examine data on a computer screen in the new Portland Laboratory for Biotechnology and 健康 科学s
Eva Balog and a student pose for a photo while doing research in the new Portland Laboratory for Biotechnology and 健康 科学s
A student holds an iPad and poses in the Portland Laboratory for Biotechnology and 健康 科学s
Deb Barlow works with a student in the Portland Laboratory for Biotechnology and 健康 科学s

凯伦·豪斯内克特博士.D.,副教务长 研究及奖学金 and professor of pharmacology, will serve as the laboratory’s inaugural director.

A 富布赖特学者, Houseknecht has extensive leadership experience in academic, 制药, 合同研究环境. 在新实验室里, she will direct research operations and conduct her own research focusing on novel therapeutic discovery and mechanistic pharmacology. Houseknecht has 14 years of continuous funding from the National Institutes of 健康 and current involvement in two federal R01 awards.



“I am thrilled to lead efforts to launch a collaborative research laboratory focused on biotechnology and biomedical research, with the goal of increasing innovative research and research training opportunities for our students,豪斯内克特说.

“The Portland Laboratory for Biotechnology and 健康 科学s will also provide new avenues for building strategic research and training collaborations with external partners,她补充道。.

Alongside Houseknecht, leadership for the new lab includes Deborah Barlow, B.S., as technical manager and Zeynep Arslan as administrative manager, both of whom bring their expertise and guidance to ensure the new laboratory’s success. 

Balog will join Houseknecht as an inaugural member of the lab, where she will lead biosensor development and research for Maine’s biotechnology industry. Sri Mohan博士.D., professor in the 药学院, will use the space to continue his research on 癌症治疗的生物标志物开发.

学生 and additional research faculty will also benefit from the lab’s state-of-the-art equipment, 中央位置, 以及跨专业学习的机会.

“I look forward to the continued growth of research on the 波特兰健康科学校区,马洪说. “Together, we are shaping a brighter, healthier, more innovative future.”


正规澳门赌场网络是 正规澳门赌场网站, 在缅因州有两个美丽的海滨校区, 丹吉尔独一无二的留学校园, 摩洛哥, 还有一个数组 灵活、认可的在线学位. 在一个非常欢迎和支持的社区, 我们提供实践学习, empowering students to make a positive impact in a world full of challenges. The state’s top provider of health professionals, we are home to 缅因州唯一的医学院缅因州唯一的牙科学院,各种其他跨专业的结盟 卫生保健学位课程,以及国家认可的项目 海洋科学学位自然科学和社会科学学位艺术与人文学位商学学位.